On 15/11/2012 2:11 PM, Kaveh Ranjbar wrote:

On Nov 15, 2012, at 9:05 PM, Florian Weimer <fw@deneb.enyo.de> wrote:

Doesn't this invite mingling of allegedly privacy-relevant data and
abuse contact information?

Hello Florian,

One of the reasons that it is only tied to the "role" object and not the "person" object is to avoid those issues. A role object is not designed to hold personal information, it is a representation of a unit in an organisation. The "abuse-mailbox:" attribute is also supposed to represent the generic email address of the contact point for the abuse handling entity within an organisation, not a real person. We will place clarifying notifications about this when users enter the data.

None of the objects in the chain, "inetnum/inet6num/aut-num", "organisation" and "role" are provisioned as, or designed to be private data holders.
As a user of the RIPE database for reporting SPAM, I really don't need any of the associated personal information behind the 'abuse address'.
I don't care about names, addresses etc.

That part can and likely should stay hidden away without making the plain e-mail address any less useful.

All that is really necessary to make that e-mail address effective and useful, that it actually is valid and mail to it will be acted on, promptly.


Thank you for your comment,

Kaveh Ranjbar,
RIPE NCC Database Group Manager

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