In message <>, Sander Steffann <> wrote:
I now understand your ideas better, and understand that you are looking for a first step in improving the database accuracy. Not looking for a complete solution as I was :) I think we reached the point where we should ask the RIPE NCC on their opinion on this and to see what they think is doable.
I'm not sure that I agree with THAT idea. I'm just putting myself in their shoes. If I were them, and I was asked my opinion about something that, in the short run at least. would, increase my workload, I would scream, holler, tear my hair out, pound my fist on the table, and insist that the whole thing is absolutely positively technically infeasible, and that even if it isn't, it will still cost fifty billion dollars and take ten years to fully implement. But that's just me. :-) Anyway, what do you need to know that you don't know already? We know that there are companies that are already doing phone verification, and some of these have been doing it for years. In short, we already know that it is both technically do-able, and also economically practical to do. Likewise, we also know that companies that routinely mail stuff out almost certainly have systems in place to pre-check for the real existance of any given address. (At least I think we do.) I cannot envision either Amazon or Alibaba shipping packages half-way across the world only to have them come right back with a big red stamp on them: "No Such Address". Also, in the vast majority of the RIPE region, there is this process that happens from time to time... every few years... even if it turns out to be a deeply flawed process and/or even if it turns out to be mostly for show (in some few places). It's called voting. Are there any countries within the RIPE region that would allow one of their citizens to register to vote if that citizen gave his mailing address as "99999 Pluto Way, Mars, Milky Way" ? If not, then this fact is also a demonstration that practical workable systems do already exist for checking mailing addresses for their real existance. Regards, rfg