Hi all,

As soon as I saw Jan Zorz was replying to this thread, I couldn't help but jump in.

My name is Michael Oghia. I am (currently) an Istanbul-based journalist and editor, but I am also very active within the Internet community, follow RIPE activities, and care about IXP and IPv6 proliferation. If the text or any future text ever need proofreading, please feel free to forward it along to me. I don't have a technical background, so I if there is any other way I can help out or contribute to the community, do let me know.


Michael J. Oghia
Istanbul, Turkey
Journalist & editor
2015 ISOC IGF Ambassador
Skype: mikeoghia

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 6:59 PM, Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> wrote:

> Sorry, you are right. I'm doing too many things at the same time right
> now! I agree not to change the text.

I know that feeling :)
