Looks great, excellent work!

I think this is a thorough and accurate BCOP for IPv6 prefix assignment for end-customers.


On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 6:41 AM, Jan Zorz - Go6 <jan@go6.si> wrote:

After presentation at RIPE74 BCOP TF and IPv6 WG sessions we got some
feedback from community over mailing list and while on stage and we
addressed those comments as far as we could, resulting in version 3 of
the IPv6 prefix delegations draft.

To avoid sending around emails with attachment I'm providing the link
where you can access the PDF file:


I have a feeling that after all this cycles and comments from the
community - we are reaching the point when we'll have to consider
calling a consensus if possible, make it a stable RIPE BCOP document and
give it a number.

Please, read the latest version and see if you can agree with the
current text and express your support (if agree) on this mailing list,
so chairs can judge if there is enough consensus on the text to maybe go
into a TF last call (or maybe even skip that if clear consensus, this is
not PDP process ;) )

Cheers and thnx, Jan
(on behalf of the co-authors of the document)
