Dear friends of Connect-WG,

About 2 weeks to go before we all gather in beautiful Copenhagen for RIPE 72. Our Connect WG session will take place on Wednesday, May 25th from 11.00 to 12.30. 

Here’s the agenda we’ve come up with so far :

1. Welcome !
Scribe appointment, agenda presentation
2. Route Servers - features & security, Arnaud Fenioux, France-IX (15 min)
3. RPKI Validation at IXPs, Daniel Knopp, DECIX (15 min)
4. Peering DB 2.0, Greg Hankins, Nokia (15 min)
5. Latest trends in optics, Christian Urricariet, Finisar (15 min)
6. European IXPs, Nurani Nimpuno, Netnod, and Kurt Erik Lindqvist, LINX (15 min)
7. Feedback about the session
8. Closure

See you there,
Best regards,

Florence and Remco
Connect-WG Co-chairs

Florence Lavroff / / +31 20 504 5474 / +31 6 11 01 55 80
Peering and Content Distribution / Google EMEA