Would there be benefit in pimping http://peering.readthedocs.org/ again?

I'd like to try and get it to a state where there's a simple and easy to follow guide to getting prefix lists across all peering fabrics. Not enough people do this today.


On 14 October 2015 at 09:47, remco van mook <remco.vanmook@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear friends of Connect-WG,

in about a month's time we'll be meeting again in lovely Bucharest, Romania. We already have some presentations and updates for the agenda but we'd like to see some more.

Topics like:
- (de)peering automation
- Who's sending me this traffic on an IXP?
- I went to the desert and all I had was this lousy 4G signal

would be most welcome. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can finish the agenda.

Or you'll have to listen to Remco's $1000 IXP presentation again :) 

Kind regards,

Remco and Florence
Connect-WG co-chairs

connect-wg mailing list