Dear all,

please find below the final (is any agenda ever final?) agenda for the connect-WG session tomorrow at 11:00 local time in the Side Room at RIPE71 in Bucharest, Romania:

1.  Welcome (1 min)
Appoint scribe, present agenda
2.  4 Lightning talks (20 min)
a.  So, you've decided to peer… - Matthew Walster, Fastly
b.  Study about Internet interconnections : Preliminary results - Uta Meier-Hahn, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
c.  BGP communities for blackholing traffic - Thomas King, DECIX
d.  Follow up : Working with CDNs : towards BCOP - Florence Lavroff 
3.  Update on MANRS - Andrei Robachevsky, ISOC (10 min)
4.  Traffic Volume Dependencies of Large IXPs - Thomas King, DECIX (20min)
5.  Countries, IXPs and RIPE Atlas - Emile Aben, RIPE NCC (20min)
6.  JSON schema for maintenance notification - Nick Hilliard, INEX
        7.     Tryst / RIPE Atlas - Martin Levy, Cloudflare
7.  Closure (1min)

As we have a full agenda, could we please ask all presenters to upload their slides using the RIPE71 website prior to the session? 

See you all tomorrow!

Remco, Florence and Filiz