Dear Connect WG members,

This is a call for presentation proposals for
our session that will take place during the upcoming RIPE 89 meeting in Prague (Czechia) from 28 Oct to 1
Nov 2024
. You can read more details about the meeting and its plan in the following URL:


We ask the members of the Working Group and RIPE NCC employees for presentation proposals for the 1.5 hour session that has been assigned to us on Thursday 31st October between 9:00 – 10:30 CET.

When you submit a proposal
, please also include slides for the chairs to
review. If you've presented similar material elsewhere
, please share with us as well  when and where the material was presented. Proposals can be submitted to


Thank you in advance and looking forward for your submissions.


Kind regards,

Will, Stavros (Connect-WG chairs)