Patrik, Jim 

Thanks for voicing your support for Julf and Achilleas. 

Jim makes an important point, that we all ought to work towards having a willing pool of volunteers for the next co-chair selection

And apologies for using the -e- word earlier in the announcement. 

On 11 Nov 2021, at 16:02, Jim Reid <> wrote:

On 11 Nov 2021, at 15:56, Patrik Fältström via cooperation-wg <> wrote:

My view is that the current chairs are doing an excellent job, and I hereby give my non-silent support of Julf and Achilleas to continue.


However for next time, I hope the current co-chairs can work on somr sort of succession plan. At some point, one of our three excellent co-chairs will stand down => having a pool of willing volunteers who could be nominated.

Thanks for openly voicing your support for Julf and Achilleas here.

Having a willing pool of volunteers for the next co-chair selection is important.  (apologies for the typo using the e word earlier). 

We look forward to working with members on creating this pool and encourage everyone in the community to step up or nominate someone 
they’d think would do a great job. 
