Hi everyone,

I want to draw your attention to a concise and on point article Mirjam posted a couple weeks ago to RIPE Labs about e-waste and the RIPE community. Specifically, it succinctly outlines the e-waste problem and how it connects to the RIPE community, while calling on the community to play a larger part in reducing e-waste across Eurasia (a good reminder we all have a role to play). She concludes by asking a number of questions:
  • What has your experience with e-waste recycling been?
  • Does your company have any special programmes or partner organisations it works with to deal with e-waste?
  • If you are a hardware manufacturer, do you have a facility for customers to return or recycle obsolete equipment?
  • What are the other ways you have of dealing with this issue?


Michael J. Oghia | Advocacy and engagement manager 
Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)