Dear colleagues,

The next CRISP team conference call details below. 

For those of you who will be at the upcoming RIPE meeting, we will give an update in the plenary on the current state of things in the IANA stewardship transition process. 

Kind regards,

Nurani Nimpuno
Vice chair, CRISP

Begin forwarded message:

From: German Valdez <>
Date: 4 November 2015 at 13:29:50 GMT+1
To: <>
Subject: [NRO-IANAXFER] CRISP team 29th Teleconference November 5th 2015 13:00 UTC


Please find below agenda and webex details for tomorrow CRISP Team Teleconference.

As usual observers are welcome to join


1. Agenda review

2. Action items

3. Update from ICANN54

4. Status Update: Implementation
 a. SLA
 b. Review Committee
 c. IPR

5. Timelines

6. IGF (Sessions about the IANA stewardship transition)


CRISP Team 29th Meeting
Thursday, November 5, 2015
1:00 pm  |  UTC  |  1 hr

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number:    705 133 517
Meeting password:    crisp

Join by phone
0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
+44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
Access code: 705 133 517
Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions


German Valdez
ianaxfer mailing list