Dear Julf, dear all,


I would like to express my full support for Desiree to continue with her work in the Cooperation WG.


Best regards,




Zdravko Jukić

Deputy Executive Director

tel: +385 1 7007 375

mobile: +385 91 722 3103





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From: cooperation-wg <> On Behalf Of Johan Helsingius via cooperation-wg
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2024 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [cooperation-wg] Co-chair selection


Dear cooperation WG members, the deadline for expressions of interest has now passed, and it looks like the only candidate is Desiree (for continuing in her current role). While Achilleas and I are extremely happy with the great work Desiree

Dear cooperation WG members, the deadline for expressions of interest 
has now passed, and it looks like the only candidate is Desiree (for 
continuing in her current role). While Achilleas and I are extremely 
happy with the great work Desiree is doing, it would be good to hear 
from the WG members if they support Desiree continuing.
On 10/04/2024 14:42, Johan Helsingius via cooperation-wg wrote:
> Dear cooperation WG members,
> We are hereby inviting interested parties to express their
> interest in serving as co-chair for the cooperation WG.
> One of us, Desiree, is up for re-selection /after her first term/.
> Whilst she is willing to continue as co-chair, the group might feel
> that it is time for more new blood.
> At the same time we would like to point out that the
> other two of us co-chairs will be up for possible re-selection
> by RIPE89, so there will be more opportunities to refresh
> the group leadership if there is a feeling that it is needed.
> The Cooperation WG chair Selection process
> <;!!NQFYEpm_!FitlxPYDNNwVjP3ePpJgLHvueaxyi0Anj6MZL21ZSkML_BxwWv_TgAbX-WOT4vsPI9Vq1dJVnw0mZVbIpKzomTtYI4ejHw$>
> states that interested parties have two weeks to make their
> interest known via the mailing list, or directly to the Chair/s.
> Based on that, we suggest a deadline for expressions of interest by
> April 25th, and then discussion on the mailing list until
> May 9, hopefully making it possible to announce the results by the
> RIPE88 WG session on Thursday, 23 May.
> Your Cooperation WG Co-Chairs Julf, Achilleas and Desiree
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