7 Sep
7 Sep
5:25 p.m.
On 07/Sep/11 11:07, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
Am 07.09.2011 10:13, schrieb Bastiaan Goslings:
As far as 'more light' goes: here's a series on these papers
(part two) http://blog.internetgovernance.org/blog/_archives/2011/9/4/4893009.html
Interesting reading.
Maybe it is an idea to have this as an agenda item in Vienna?
Yes, please. I thought censorship and other freedom limitations were due to local governments misinterpretations; e.g. the Italian law that requires a certified professional to configure even an access point, as an application of 2008/63/CE. In retrospect, it must be an EC stance. Can we schedule Tahrir Square for RIPE 65?