In message <>, at 21:45:53 on Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Alain Van Gaever <> writes
Next to the RIPE NCC Roundtable, there might also be value to actually go and talk to the officials in Brussels who prepare the legislative texts. From experience I would argue that those are NOT necessarily the same people as those who attend the RIPE NCC Roundtable meetings
That's right, the Roundtables are more for invitation-only "Heads of Department", who are also the people who can more easily arrange to spend a day out of the office 'on expenses'[1]. I never organised a Roundtable in Brussels, but it would make sense to me that it should be slightly more of an 'open house' for local officials. Perhaps the date for the Roundtable has been chosen as the day after an EIF meeting, so there might be more industry folks in town that day too. [1] The difficulty of which is often much underestimated, and is a major reason for poor attendance at a 2hr RIPE-WG session in an 'exotic' location. -- Roland Perry