Dear Colleagues,

The Cooperation WG meeting at RIPE 59 will take place at 14:00,  
Wednesday, 7 October in the Main meeting room. The draft agenda is as  

1. Administration - scribe, agenda confirmation, etc. (5 minutes)

1. Patrik Fältström as RIPE Cooperation WG Co-Chair (10 minutes)

2. Update on IGF - Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)

3. The future of Internet Governance, a view from ICANN - Nick Thorne,  
ICANN  (30 minutes)

4. Open Mic Discussion (25 minutes)

Please note that Patrik Fältström will be chairing this session, as  
neither myself nor my Co-Chair Martin Boyle are able to be present in  
Lisbon. We also nominate Patrik to take up an official role as Co-
Chair of the Cooperation Working Group, and time has been reserved in  
the agenda for the WG to discuss this nomination.


Maria and Martin