Vice chair, CRISP team

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael Abejuela <>
Date: 22 March 2016 at 20:08:39 GMT+1
To: "" <>
Subject: [CRISP-TEAM] CRISP Call

Hello CRISP Team,

The agenda for tomorrow’s call as well as Webex info is as follows:

1) ICANN55 Update and General Timelines
2) Congressional Hearing
3) SLA ver.5 review
4) Other Implemenetation Status
   a. IPR - Principal Terms
   b. Review Committee - Members
5) Reflection on the work completed overall

CRISP 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 |    1:00 pm Greenwich Time (GMT)

Meeting number: 706 686 549
Meeting password: crisp

meeting link:

Audio connection:
0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
+44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)

Global call-in numbers

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Access code: 706 686 549

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Call-in toll-free number (UK)  0800-051-3810
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Australia toll free  1800-658203
Austria toll  +43 125 302 1542
Austria toll free  0800-297252
Belgium toll  +32 2894 8317
Belgium toll free  0800-77651
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Czech Republic toll  +420 2288 82827
Czech Republic toll free  800-701364
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Denmark toll free  8088-7006
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Finland toll  +358 931 584349
Finland toll free  0800-915086
France toll  +33 17091 8646
France toll free  0800-9-19312
Germany toll  +49-(0)6925511-4400
Germany toll free  0800-187-3683
Greece toll free  00800-1612-20-35535
Hong Kong toll  +852 5808 1922
Hong Kong toll free  800-966347
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Hungary toll free  06-800-19550
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Indonesia toll free  001-803-016-3552
Ireland toll  +353 152600 58
Ireland toll free  1-800-947178
Israel toll free  1-80-9453550
Italy toll  +39 0230410 440
Italy toll free  800-870552
Japan toll  +81 34580 8156
Japan toll free  0053-11-61212
Latvia toll free  800-04229
Lithuania toll free  8800-30854
Luxembourg toll  +352 208 81750
Luxembourg toll free  800-27323
Malaysia toll free  1-800-815775
Mexico toll free  001-800514-5545
Morocco toll free (002-11-0011)  800-708-0263
Netherlands toll  +31 20794 7996
Netherlands toll free  0800-022-3497
New Zealand toll  +64 9929 1742
New Zealand toll free  0800-459104
Norway toll  +47 2103-5854
Norway toll free  800-16930
Poland toll  +48-22295-3597
Poland toll free  00-800-112-4312
Portugal toll free  8008-27739
Romania toll free  0800-895796
Russia toll  +7 4952 217144
Russia toll free  88-00100-9439
Senegal toll free  800-708-0263
Singapore toll  +65 3158 1415
Singapore toll free  800-101-2597
Slovakia toll free  0800-606-563
South Africa Toll  +27 11019 7059
South Africa toll free  0800-983983
South Korea toll free  00798-14-203-3552
Spain toll  +34 91791 1283
Spain toll free  900-93-7920
Sweden toll  +46 85051 3563
Sweden toll free  020-79-7912
Switzerland toll  +41 43456 9564
Switzerland toll free  0800-894627
Taiwan toll free  00-801-127320
Thailand toll free  001-800-156203-5535
USA/Canada toll  +1 631 267 4890
USA/Canada toll free  1-855-299-5224


Michael R. Abejuela

Associate General Counsel


3635 Concorde Parkway

Suite 200

Chantilly, VA 20151

(703) 227-9875 (p)

(703) 263-0111 (f)


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