On 29 Mar 2018, at 12:07, Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com> wrote:

Law enforcement, regulators and so on are members of the RIPE community.

So they should come to RIPE meetings? 

NCC has been good in reaching out to various communities. But I would have hoped the result would have been that these communities would have seen the benefit in then coming to participate in RIPE meetings. There ought to be no barrier. They just need to pay and turn up like everybody else. Unlike academics, for example, these organisations have the funds.

We have to work with these sectors, just like we engage with IXPs, ISPs, privacy activists and so on.

We had a range of participants in IETF 101 - from NSA and NIST to EuroPol and various European governments (albeit sometimes discretely in the form of experts and consultants) to human rights folk. I think this is good and what we should aspire to: wider participation, a healthy level of transparency.
