On 24 Apr 2013, at 09:15, Lindqvist Kurt Erik <kurtis@kurtis.pp.se> wrote:
I think the NRO text is troubling. It talks about multistakerholderism but it fails to invite, or as I would prefer recommend (not to say demand) that the ITU work and support inside existing frameworks rather than create competing efforts. I think it's important that this is clearly spelled out and not just talked over or mentioned. If the NRO isn't changing this statement (that I think is far from clear) then I really hope that ISOC includes this and stresses the importance of the ITU not working against or outside established and well working efforts.
+100 One sentence is particularly disappointing and IMO should not have been there: "ITU members should build on these initial steps to take this evolution to the next level – an all-encompassing multistakeholder ITU will be essential to the organization's future relevance and authority." If it's not too late, I hope it can be removed because it does not come across as something which helps to foster a co-operative relationship. Imagine how we'd react if the ITU used similar megaphone diplomacy to tell us how RIPE had to radically re-organise its business and procedures to ensure RIPE's future relevance and authority. It's not clear to me if an evolving, all-encompassing multistakeholder ITU would be a Good Thing either, but let that pass.