
See below - might be of interest to this group too.

A 'CleanIT project update' is on the AA WG agenda - unfortunately this session on the 27th clashes with the Roundtable Meeting.



Bastiaan Goslings
AMS-IX Governance and Policy Officer

Begin forwarded message:

From: Erik Bais <>
Subject: [anti-abuse-wg] Update on the EU Clean-IT project
Date: September 21, 2012 1:17:09 PM GMT+02:00
To: "" <>

The EU Clean-IT project did a presentation on RIPE64.
EDRI (European Digital Rights) was informed via a leaked document on the projects wishlist and planned (internal) discussion topics and current recommendations.
They posted a summary on their website:
The document itself can be found here:
If this is where the EU regulation is moving towards, under the umbrella of terrorism …. Oh boy ...
Erik Bais