Dear all,
this is V2 of the proposed agenda for the DB-WG sessions.
I have received a request to deal with the org: object proposal in
slot #1. After checking with the RIPE NCC, I propose to accommodate that
request, and thus to reorder the sequence to make F.+G. go first, and
then to continue with E., most probably moving it to slot#2 on Thursday.
Regarding the following paragraph:
> NOTE: I have seen some discussion about the ERX, so I'm trying to offer
> the opportunity for the community affected to give short (if
> possible ;-) presentations about - experience, - expectation, -
> suggestiosn for improvement, after an intro provided by the RIPE
> NCC (from their point of view). If you intend to do that, pls. let
> me know before the start of the session!
I have not seen any input or indication of interest to contribute :-(
Proposed Agenda for the
Database Working Group Meeting
2. Draft
A#1. Administrative stuff (WW, chair) 10 min
. scribe: N.N.
B#1. Action Items 15 min
C#1. WG mandate and charter, part I (WW, chair) 10 min
. splitting the load between DB, Services, and?
D#1. DB operational update (RIPE NCC, Shane K.) 20 min
F#1. The "status:" attribute (RIPE NCC, N.N.) 15 min
G#1. The org: Object proposal revised (RIPE NCC, Engin G.) 15 min
------- end of slot#1 -------
E#2. ERX status 30 min
. status as from the point of view of the NCC 5 min
. short reports about experience 20 min
. proposals for improvements? 5 min
H#2. Revised PKI proposal (RIPE NCC, Shane K.) 30 min
I#2. change of behavior/default of DB-SW (RIPE NCC, Shane K.) 10 min
. if "mnt-lower: is absent:
.. makedefault more consistent
.. lean towards a more secure behavior
J#2. WG mandate and charter, part II (WW, chair) 10 min
. review of alignement with other WGs
. summary
. editorial finalisation
Y#2. Input from other WGs
Z#2. AOB:
. tent.: review of DB Architecture and Assumptions .
WW, 2-SEP-2003 15:06:11 UTC
Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber(a)
UniVie Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33
Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140
A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : RIPE-DB: WW144, PGP keyID 0xF0ACB369
"Only one thing in life is certain: init is Process #1"