Dear RIPE DB-WG, Please, find a comment below, inline... Thanks. Le vendredi 21 juin 2024, Hank Nussbacher via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
Dear colleagues,
We are aware of an incident affecting Whois updates yesterday evening, which we are continuing to investigate. We will keep the DB-WG informed.
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC
There is still ongoing activity with perhaps malicious whois updates. See attached.
Hi Hank, Thanks for your valuable notification, brother. It seems as the patch [*] is not working as expected :-/ Please see below: " *[...]Jun 16, 2024Whois Update Service Incident_***Resolved***_ - Between approximately 20:00 UTC on Sunday 16th June and 01:00 UTC on Monday 17th June, there was an intermittent interruption to the Whois Update service, due to a number of unusual update messages. In addition, _***many spurious update notification emails were generated to uninvolved maintainers***_. We have taken steps to mitigate the impact of these updates, and will publish a more detailed _***post-mortem later* **_.Jun 16, 20:00 UTC[...]*" __ [*]: https://status.ripe.net/#:~:text=Jun%2016%2C%202024,%2C%2020%3A00%20UTC Hope this helps! Shalom, --sb.
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