26 May
26 May
1:20 p.m.
Max Tulyev wrote:
How can I dump all objects I have changed (i.e. where is "changed: my@e.mail" attribute present)?
You can only search on attributes that are specifically marked as "primary/look-up key", "lookup key", or "inverse key". As Marco said, one way to do something like this is to search the nightly snapshot of the database that is on the FTP site: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/ripe.db.gz You can then search using Perl or some other tool: gzip -dc ripe.db.gz | perl -000 -ne 'print if (/^changed:.*shane\@ripe.net/im)' This does not include PERSON, ROLE, MNTNER, or IRT objects. -- Shane Kerr RIPE NCC