Dear RIPE DBWG, ...comment below, please. Le jeudi 26 janvier 2023, Ángel González Berdasco via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
I'm afraid even with detailed documentation available some people won't read them and make up their own meaning for the attributes. But there's little that can be done for that. Having an explicit, consistent and documented meaning is much better than not.
Hi Angel, Thanks for your email, brother!
It might have been preferable in NWI-10 to use a different attribute name (e.g. org-country or legal-country) for ORGANISATIONS, to make it
...right! it makes sense to differentiate the country: attribute where there is some of those managed by RIPE NCC...but would prefer to create the new one and leave the country: attribute as is. That solve, imho, the usecase shared by the Staff. Shalom, --sb.
even more evident that it has a different meaning, but it is still clear for those interested in getting things right.
I think Denis proposal makes sense.
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