Dear Stephan Mankopf, mediaWays Hostmaster wrote:
In message <Pine.LNX.4.20.0008301629001.1172-100000@wishbringer.work.de>, Nils Jeppe writes:
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, mediaWays Hostmaster wrote:
Webserver wich are reached by every online user first) for every user by his language.
Wouldn't it be much easier to just use the language setting of the user's browser? I think this even makes MUCH more sense than assuming just because a user is in, say, Denmark, doesn't mean he would prefer danish....
yes of course, but the Online-Service is worldwide and there are several countries where English or spanish is spoken (as an Example). Every site includes state-specific informations.
If there is no better solution for you then retrieving country code information from the inetnum objects, I would suggest that you write to <ripe-dbm@ripe.net> to discuss this problem. Best regards, Andrei Robachevsky DB Group Manager RIPE NCC
Kind regards, _____________________________ Stephan Mankopf Networks/Backbone +49 5241 80 88729 stephan.mankopf@mediaways.net
- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - n@work Internet Informationssysteme GmbH Tel +49 40 23880900 Spaldingstrasse 160d Fax +49 40 23880929 20097 Hamburg, Germany http://www.work.de/