In message <90575aee-1245-9de6-86ac-417c3614d12c@fud.no>, Tore Anderson <tore@fud.no> wrote:
* Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg
--list-versions --list-versions DE-ECOTEL-950515
I am having serious trouble understanding why this isn't working.
If someone could explain, I'd appreciate it.
a) Use an unambiguous primary/lookup key, e.g.:
$ whois -h whois.ripe.net -- --list-versions
Ahhhhhhh! Thank you! This is the magic I was missing. And it makes perfect sense, now that you say it.
b) «netname objects» don't exist, so no, not supposed to work.
That comment makes no sense however. Those objects -do- exist in the data base and a normal WHOIS query finds them. So I'm really still not clear on why I can't apply --list-versions and --show-version to them. Regards, rfg