In message <mailman.1675.1497881039.4885.db-wg@ripe.net>, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@massar.ch> wrote:
Really, a Dutch address, claiming a British country, while the prefix clearly show "NL" as prefix.
Website at http://www.onlineserviceproviderbv.nl/ is empty...
You may have a bit more luck if you try this: http://onlineserviceproviderbv.nl/ But anyway, it still does seem quite odd that the IPv6 space of this "Dutch" company is apparently being routed by a company located in India whose main stock in trade is the manufacturing of portable searchlights. http://bgp.he.net/AS58905#_prefixes6 --> adwiser.co --> "Point Blank Range Pvt Ltd" --> https://www.indiamart.com/pointblank-rangeprivate-limited/ But it is all rather humorous, don't you think? (I personally prefer my Internet criminals to be ones with a sense of humor. It makes the process of hunting them down at least somewhat entertaining.) And if you would like to see even -more- humor, try this google search: "+31 20 218 2999" It would seem that your "Dutch Internet Service Provider" has another business which is even more notable (and even more linked to, going by the google results ordering), i.e. they also are apparently selling some sort of service that allegedly will help us all to MAKE MONEY FAST while gambling on sports games. https://oddstreak.com/terms-of-service https://oddstreak.com/ Terrific! I just can't wait to make my fortune betting on futbol and/or cricket matches, full time, and with every last penny I have. These people vitrually guarrantee that if I just put in the time and effort, and if I just give them a little bit of money every month, I'll soon be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. I confess that it does seem just slightly odd that these people who are behind this commercial enterprise, having invested all of the time and energy needed to build a sophisticated mathematical system that will allow any ordinary man on the street (like me) to beat the odds and to come out a winner, would not have applied this system -themselves-, you know, to help their own betting. I mean gee! They have this sophisticated betting system which will allow you to win all the time, so why aren't they themselves presently lounging on a beach somewhere without a care in the world? I guess they are just too generous, and they felt obliged to share their magical mathematical betting strategies with even poor little sods like me. God bless them! covfefe