Today I've got the following message from ARIN: [ --- From noreply@arin.net Fri Aug 16 21:28:37 2002 --- ] When the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) was formed in December 1997, they inherited the InterNIC database of IP addresses and AS numbers, and the responsibility to maintain the records in it. These records became known as early registrations. Discussions regarding early registrations have taken place amongst the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and throughout their communities. These RIRs include Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), ARIN and the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC). Discussion has also taken place in the emerging Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry (LACNIC) region. The decision was made that the interests of the resource holders would best be served by managing the resources through the RIR of the region in which they reside. You are receiving this message because you are listed as a point of contact (POC) for a registration that will be transferred to RIPE NCC within 30 days. For a list of resources to be transferred, or for more information on this this project, visit: http://www.arin.net/registration/erx You may address general and specific questions to hostmaster@arin.net. Regards, Registration Services ARIN On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Joao Luis Silva Damas wrote:
Dear Gabriella,
we have been working on this process, not as fast as we would have liked to, I must admit.
We will start by transferring ASNs. There are fewer and simpler cases when compared with IP address blocks and it will allow everyone to get a better understanding of the real amount of work involved, rather than just having an estimate, as good as it may be.
As a matter of fact, we were going to send an announcement earlier today explaining the process, which is meant to start next week, but some internal problems have prevented this from happening.
A message will be posted on Monday.
It would be good to have some time during the lir-wg session at RIPE 43 to present the results of the first, relatively easy, step and close any issues people may have with the more complex transfer of the IP addresses.
We could then proceed with the rest of the resources soon after the discussions at the RIPE meeting and in these lists.
Best regards,
Joao Damas RIPE NCC
At 17:02 +0200 8/8/02, Gabriella Paolini wrote:
"Transferring InterNIC space from ARIN Database to other RIR databases".
Any news about that?
Gabriella Paolini ------------------------------------------------- GARR - The Italian Academic and Research Network http://www.garr.it m@il: gabriella.paolini@garr.it -------------------------------------------------
--------- Berislav Todorovic, Senior IP Specialist -------- ------- KPNQwest N.V. - IP Engineering / NOC Support ------ ---- Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 78, 2595 AN Den Haag, NL ---- -- Email: beri@kpnqwest.net <=> beri@EU.net -- --- _ _ ____ _ .--. ____ ____ __/_ --- ----- /__/ /___/ /\ / / / | / /___/ /___ / ------ ------ _/ \_ / _/ \/ (__.\ |/\/ /___ ____/ (__. -----