Hi Hank, I spoke too soon, Whois still restricts the maximum results to 100. I'll investigate how to retrieve more results and get back to you. Regards Ed
On 17 Jun 2021, at 23:38, Edward Shryane via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi Hank,
The webpage is restricted to a maximum of 10 pages with 10 matches on each page, but if you don't mind reading XML or JSON you can make the call directly:
XML: https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/api/rest/fulltextsearch/select?facet=true&hl=true&q=(TEST)&start=0&rows=800 JSON: https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/api/rest/fulltextsearch/select.json?facet=true&hl=true&q=(TEST)&start=0&rows=100
In this example I'm searching for "TEST". Add a "rows" query parameter to limit matches, and ".json" to the end of the path to specify a JSON response.
The upcoming Whois 1.101 release exposes this API directly via https://rest.db.ripe.net/ and we will document it fully.
Also we plan to improve the query page in the coming months, we will look at integrating full text search and allowing more results.
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC
On 17 Jun 2021, at 18:45, Hank Nussbacher via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
I am using https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/fulltextsearch to do a full text search to return just the inetnum record but if I get 800 hits I get only 10 entries per screen.
How can I see all 800 hits at once?
Thanks for any clue provided.
Regards, Hank