On Fri, 29 Jul 2022, 17:29 Randy Bush, <randy@psg.com> wrote:
A lot of this discussion is about interpreting one defined purpose trying to make everything fit in order to 'get around' a legal review.
another interpretation is that this discussion is trying to bridge a rather shocking gap between ncc legal, one db-wg-co-chair, and how the operational internet actually works.
i have no problem with you going off into a db-omphaloskepsis task force. but, in the meantime some of us have an internet to run.
Well of course as you are all so busy running this Internet you can completely ignore my suggestion to review the purposes and make them clear and simple to understand with definitions and without unnecessary interpretation and then continue to run round in circles arguing over legal reviews. You can even take the DBTF report, ripe-767, as gospel and then you only have 4 purposes to worry about instead of the 6 in the T&C. Perhaps that will make all operators lives easier and you'll get everything operators want from the database. Cheers denis Co-chair DB-WG