Sorry Piet, old, old, old software ... The new software will take care of this, but I think the new software will change everything to lowercase. I have not written this part yet, have to put some thought in it though.
Anyone in the database working group has any feeling how these should be dealt with ? From a programming point of view, handling everything lowercase is much easier, I do not really want to check every single combination of lower/uppercase before I update something ... Then again, after some thinking (I usually type faster than I think ;-) the indexing is done in lowercase, and key lookups are always normalized to lowercase before a lookup.
So the real question is, should entries in the database be left untouched when it comes to upper/lowercase, or should all be normalized ?
I'd prefer the following behaviour: - In the external representation keep it exactly as it was submitted, with mixed case intact. - Internally, whenever you use this string for an index, compare or lookup, consistently convert it to lowercase, thus prohibiting duplicates with different case. I think this would even be in line with the current behaviour of other programs... I don't have any idea what this would mean to the implementer programming-wise... Wilfried.