I think that actual code development is probably an NCC matter, but I'm willing to be persuaded (and its your working group anyway). Nigel On 29-Feb-2000 Andre Koopal wrote:
On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:21:34PM -0000, Nigel Titley wrote:
Strange, I'm sure this wasn't there a couple of days ago when I looked last, and Wilfried specifically asked me to hunt down the charter as a first step.
OK, having made a complete fool of myself.
Is the working group happy with this Charter? It looks nice and concise to me but if the WG isn't happy then suggestions are invited.
Do we want to discuss the code development of the database software? That is not really covered under the current charter. Or is that a NCC-matter only?
Andre Koopal UUNET
On 28-Feb-2000 James Aldridge wrote:
Nigel Titley wrote:
At the last RIPE conference I made the mistake of putting up my hand and offering Wilfried help in putting the paperwork of the DB WG in order. One of the first things I'd like to sort out is the group charter. Does anybody have a copy? It probably needs some work doing on it by now, but if we've got an old one, at least it will be a start.
You mean something more than what's on the WG web page http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/db/index.html which says:
The Database working group deals with all issues related to the RIPE NCC Database. Changes of existing objects, creation of new objects and features, and distribution of databases and security issues are discussed here."
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