Is that wise? See the InterNIC and handles... A handle should not be reused within a certain period of time (days, weeks?), but a reuse should most certainly be possible. Otherwise we may end up with something like ns84986-ripe or something. It is not that bad yet, of course, but it will come...?
Whats the problem with CK31459-RIPE. It's only a handle. Ripe is not in the bussiness of assigning vanity license plates, handles or ip addresses. They run a database. I would prefer a clean policy on not reusing handles ever to a compilicated and error prone recycling policy. Remeber that detecting if a handle is still used seomwhere uis getting more complicated every day with the multiple distributed registries worldwide. Reusing handles is asking for trouble. Greetings Christian Kratzer Toplink -- TopLink Internet Services GmbH ck@171.2.195.in-addr.arpa Christian Kratzer http://noc.toplink.net/ Phone: +49 7032 2701-0 Fax: +49 7032 2701-19 FreeBSD spoken here!