Folks, here is an update of what has happened with the database software over the last few months: - options have been added to whoisd (some you may have already seen): -r do NOT lookup referenced objects -F do fast lookup, in short format, without reformatting (implies -r) -V faciltates version numbers to be logged in queries this is used to identify prtraceroute and prcheck queries. For instance, prtraceroute is logged with -Vpt0.32 at the moment, where "pt" stands for prtraceroute and 0.32 is the version of prtraceroute used. This option is internal to special tools that use the database, and should NOT be used on command line. -k keepalive. This option will keep the connection between client and server open after a query. Also this option is ONLY used in tools that need a number of queries fast after one another (like prtraceroute) All the options (except the -V and -k) are available in the latest ripe whois client: ftp.ripe.net:tools/ripe-whois.tar.Z Please note that these options will NOT work with other whois servers, and only work with the latest beta whoisd. - the "notify" attribute as defined in ripe-096 has been implemented. The database has accepted "notify" and "maintainer" already for some months, but now the functionality of "notify" has been added last week. The functionality of "maintainer" is not implemented yet. You are welcome to use "notify" but please do not go mad on it. - the guarded stuff has (finally) been implemented, and is currently under heavy test at the NCC. It includes all the things needed to implement ripe-81 guarded attributes, including conflict handling and all other things needed. A document describing the procedures is being written (at this moment actually) and will be ready soon. - many many many small and big bugs have been reported and fixed. Most modules of the software have had some 5-10 fixes each, and the main programs like whoisd have had some 20 fixes. Many of these bugs were nasty little programming errors that appear in only some circumstances, and were thus hard to find. Also, many things have changed to speed things up a bit more. - the software is unfortunately still beta, simply because there are too many changes made every day. Once the guarded attributes have been debugged and the documentation written ;-( it will be an official release. - Some stats, taken out of the quarterly report December 93 (which will be published this week): (All stats over Oct, Nov and Dec 1993) queries: 177,423 e-mail messages with updates processed: 3,575 number of objects processed from these e-mails: 42,767 number of networks in database: 29,646 number of persons in database: 13,238 number of domains in database: 2,339 number of AS in the database: 224 More info of course at the RIPE meeting. If you have any questions about the database (from general to very specific) please send me a mail. See you in 11 days. -Marten