Quoting from Carol Orange's message:
Hi all,
Below is a proposal put together by Wilfried Woeber and myself to address the need for a referral mechanism for domain name queries in the RIPE database.
The mechanism is designed to address the immediate needs of those trying to get domain related information, and of DNS administrators trying to provide it. Certainly the mechanism may be adapted with time (see the three options below), however we choose to start with something that can provide the required functionality immediately.
We hope to discuss this proposal on the mailing lists and in the database and dns working group meetings in Dublin.
Carol Orange RIPE NCC
Hi Carol, would it be possible to implement the suggestion made by Robert Martin-Legene ? It is more flexible... Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:16:09 +0200 (MET DST) From: Robert Martin-Legene <robert@DK.net>
Forward ------- If the TLD object contains a whois referral, we can=20 =20 a) query the server, and pass the response to the requester, preceded by a comment of the form: "The following data has been obtained from=20 domain-registry.nl". b) pass the referral to the requester c) send the query to the server with the address of the requester
I like the a) as well, but it shouldn't be a problem doing all three and let it be up the the owner of the object. Then the refer attrib could be refer: <forward-type> <whois-server-type> <host> [<port>] I guess the whois-server-type isn't needed on forward-type b, but it look= s good for consistency... (it's up to the client to use it then) -- Robert Martin-Leg=E8ne (RM59), Network Manager (AS2109)