Attention owners of mntner objects using _only_ MAIL-FROM authentication method. Dear Colleagues, We recently sent out a message to all contacts for maintainers that still used MAIL-FROM as the ONLY means of authentication. This method is no longer valid and no updates can be authorised if any of the maintainers checked are in this situation. The message pointed to the proposed procedure on how to fix such situation (http://www.ripe.net/db/mailfrom.html). The RIPE-DBM support team has been overwhelmed with fax requests to update these maintainers. At the moment we are not able to respond to these requests as quickly as we would like to do. We have found it necessary to give a higher priority to other support requests. Therefore the response time for updates to maintainer authentication may be 5 to 10 working days. Please do not send repeat faxes unless we ask for them and do not send e-mails asking for a status update on the changes. This only slows the whole process down. We will reply to each request as soon as we make the change or find that we need additional information. This message will also be sent to all contacts for maintainers that still use MAIL-FROM as the ONLY means of authentication. Please bear with us on this and we apologise for the delay. Regards, Andrei Robachevsky DB Group Manager RIPE NCC