"Lu, Ping" wrote:
Since we are talking about NRTM, I would like to raise a question on how to filter out some objects for privacy or other reasons.
Any comment ?
How about setting up an instance for private objects and one with standard-objetcs. Let the one with the private objects synchronize with the standard one (i.e. per e-mail-script) Only standard objects gets exported to the standard-objects DB. Then let others mirror only the instance with the standard objects. This has also the advantage you dont mix ip-management only data with routing-registry relevant data. As you might know Cable&Wireless Europe has modified version of the RIPE-DB running which contains only IP-Management data but no route objetcs etc. This isnt an ideal solution but it works. The right solution would be to establish distributed route registries and not to mirror each other. There is already a RFC out which describes how distributed registries could work but i cant find it at the moment, sorry. (Anyone know which RFC it is?) regards, Arnd