On 13 Apr 2004, at 17:23, Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet wrote:
This simple counting approach is potentially VERY misleading,
Sure. That's why I took care to call it a starting point! 8-)
as it is not the sheer _number_ of individual entries which should be counted, but the _size_ of the address blocks covered in this hierarchy.
Fine. So ALL the numbers can be scaled down. Does the scaling affect the different methods I suggested (or others: I'm sure someone must have better concrete ideas?) differently, or similarly ?
On top of that, there's the possibiltiy to use the hierarchy to e.g. provide a "1st-line" contact for an individual address block AND a fallback or upstream for the encompassing block.
Again, does this skew the argument, or just scale everything down in proportion ? Best regards, Niall