The RFC says "Until such time...". We have a "geofeed:" attribute now so we are past 'such time'. We should no longer even consider, or support, "remarks:'' as an option for geofeed.
you have the wrong end of the horse. it is the seeker/fetcher of geofeed data who decides whether they look inside remarks: and/or geofeed: attributes. repeat ten times: "remarks are opaque and their interpretation is only in the eye of the beholder." [0] randy 0 - an american legal joke about pornography. quoting bloomberg In a 1964 decision, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said he would not attempt to define hard-core pornography, and “perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so.” He famously added, “But I know it when I see it.” --- randy@psg.com `gpg --locate-external-keys --auto-key-locate wkd randy@psg.com` signatures are back, thanks to dmarc header butchery