In message <579e6eed-f28e-bf83-f111-a69b2be9a04d@ripe.net>, Angela Dall'Ara <adallara@ripe.net> wrote:
RIPE policy proposal 2022-01, "Personal Data in the RIPE Database" is now available for discussion again.
The goal of this proposal is to allow the publication of verified Personal Data in the RIPE Database only when they are justified by its purpose.
I object to the policy proposal for reasons that I have laid out at some length on the Anti-Abuse Working Group's mailing list. Not that it matters. I'm sure that neither my vote nor those of the other folks who have also expressed reservations about this proposal won't count, and that the backers of this misguided proposal will declare consensus come hell or high water anyway. Nobody is asking for this, and nobody is demaning that RIPE hide valuable WHOIS data that has always been visible since the beginning of time, except for a couple of people who are harboring misplaced fetishes for privacy over transparency. Their time would be better invested in solving actual problems, rather than imagined ones. As I have said on the Anti-Abuse Working Group's mailing list, any member concerned about concealing their mailing address either (a) is up to no good or else (b) may easily and cheaply achieve the desired goal FOR THEMSELVES by renting a cheap P.O. box. (Any member who is unable to locate a supplier of cheap rental P.O. boxes local to them is probably too incompetent to qualify as a RIPE member anyway.) Regards, rfg