Hello, I haves questions about the current operation of the RIPE-Database:
From ripe-157: RIPE NIC-handle: <Initials><0-999>-RIPE
There are person-objects in the RIPE-Database that do not conform to this format, eg. AA-RIPE and MB10000-RIPE. The numbers greater than 999 are no problem, but Handles without number are a nuissance, e.g. when testing for a valid format in a field... So, are Handles without a number offically allowed ?
If you require a detailed acknowledgement, put the keyword "LONGACK" in the `Subject' line of your e-mail.
We have a script for sending mail to auto-dbm@ripe.net, and it always uses LONGACK - so the answer-mails should all look alike. But as a result, we get mails in different formats, e.g. short:
From: RIPE Database Management <ripe-dbm@ripe.net> To: Nacamar Guardian <gurt@gargoyle.nacamar.de> Subject: SUCCEEDED: LONGACK .. The following objects were processed.
New OK: [person] IB179-RIPE (Ivonne Bankwitz) <<< Sometimes the reply ist "long", it also quotes the content of our mail:
Date: 17 Sep 1999 08:12:10 -0000 From: RIPE Database Management <ripe-dbm@ripe.net> To: Nacamar Guardian <gurt@gargoyle.nacamar.de> Subject: SUCCEEDED: LONGACK .. The following objects were processed.
New OK: [person] IB179-RIPE (Ivonne Bankwitz) person: Ivonne Bankwitz ... <<< I have no idea, why, and on what condition the database returns the "short" or the "full" answer. Can someone tell ? Best Regards, HaJo Gurt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nacamar Network Administration NACAMAR Data Communications guardian@nacamar.net Robert-Bosch-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich Hans-Joachim Gurt Germany gurt@nacamar.de http://www.nacamar.de ***** NEUE Telefon+Faxnummern: ***** NEW Phone+Faxnumbers: ***** Voice: +49 6103 916 0 Fax: +49 6103 916 222 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon