Dear Piotr, On 02/05/2014 11:22 AM, Piotr Strzyzewski wrote:
This is very good point. However when I tried to reproduce it I have got another error:
$ whois 'test !*&[] test'
%ERROR:101: no entries found
While using https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html search form I have got 'Warning! No objects matched your search criteria.'
So, I created the ORGANISATION object with the org-name filled with 'test !*&[] test' (without quotes) and I was able to query it by name as described above.
Thank you for your valuable input. This restriction has been relaxed during the reimplementation project. Currently, the restrictions on queries are: - maximum 1024 bytes; - represents an UTF-8 encoded string.
I know that documentation is currently outdated. For example <person-name> is defined as not allowing '"Dr", "Prof", "Mv", "Ms", "Mr", no matter whether they end with dot (".") or not', which is not true anymore.
This issue has been fixed and will be part of the upcoming release 1.72 of the RIPE Database Software.
Taking this into account I could imagine that this %ERROR:108: is also outdated or changed in some way. Could this be possibly confirmed by someone from NCC?
We are very sorry that you encountered outdated information. We are striving to keep our reference manuals up to date, and will make sure this is fixed shortly. Kind regards, Agoston Horvath Senior Software Engineer RIPE NCC