I agree with Nick. However there are currently as-set objects in RIPE based on aut-num objects in RIPE-NONAUTH. I think it might be worth considering if these should be cleaned up. I posted about this about a week ago in a separate thread on db-wg. -Cynthia On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 7:30 PM Nick Hilliard via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
denis walker wrote on 29/11/2022 13:00:
If we allow these objects to authorise hierarchical AS-SET objects with 'source: RIPE' we have in effect turned non authoritative data back into authoritative data. If we give the related AS-SET objects 'source: RIPE-NONAUTH' we make it clear that these objects are also not authoritative. Consumers of the data should make their own informed decisions about the content of these AS-SET objects. if ASnnnnn has source: RIPE-NONAUTH, then the corresponding as-set would be ASnnnnn:FOOBAR, so this would also need to be RIPE-NONAUTH.
I don't see an issue with RIPE-NONAUTH aut-nums being able to create scoped RIPE-NONAUTH as-sets. This also gives a clear route for garbage collection: if the aut-num becomes invalid, then the corresponding as-sets also become invalid.
IIRC it's not possible to create new aut-num objects with source: RIPE-NONAUTH?
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