In message <74D5F6B9-5B52-418D-B639-8CE91F472B8A@ripe.net>, Edward Shryane <eshryane@ripe.net> wrote:
I reviewed your list of routes as follows...
Thank you Edward for the detailed review and or sharing your results derived therefrom. Based on what you posted, I'll be making some adjustments to my scripts to try to exclude some of the stuff in the gray areas in any future anaylsis results. (My assumption and belief is that it may perhaps be of some value for me to re-run my analysis and post fresh results from time to time in the future, because things that aren't bogons today may become bogons tomorrow, and thus, route objects that look just fine today may not look so fine, say, in a month from now.) I am slightly perplexed about this one item you mentioned:
2011:4188::/48 12880 2018-09-04
Typo? (as suggested by Gert on 13th June)
So this one will be going away also? Regards, rfg