In message <6B0C79DD-9646-44D8-9E04-F55D292D4956@ripe.net>, Edward Shryane <eshryane@ripe.net> wrote:
The 4 cases you found are not completely in the RIPE region, so it's not clear if they should remain in NONAUTH or be (re)moved.
I have a standing policy with regards to anomalies generally. It can best be summarized as follows: "Kill them all. Let god sort them out." Of course, this attitude on my part tends to find more favor in and among the anti-spam community, e.g. when it comes to spammers & their domains and IP addresses, than it is likely to in the case of DB route objects, where a bit more caution & circumspection may be obligatory. I leave it to your good judgment as to how to resolve these 4 anomalies, and I will just reiterate my desire to see all four resolved in some manner so that when/if I (or you) perform this same sort of automated analysis in the future, these won't just keep on cropping up as unexplained oddities forever. Hopefully that can be made to happen in one way or another.
I suggest that the RIPE NCC emails the maintainer(s) of these objects, and ask them to update the routes so they align to the assigned regions.
That works for me.
They are not using unregistered space, and are not eligible to be cleaned up.
Well, if it were me, I would simply annihilate them anyway, for the sin of being goofy. (Perhaps this general preference on my part goes a long way towards explaining why I personally have never held any elected office.) Regards, rfg