Dear Colleagues, Are there these route objects correct (is this some very new feature?) or they come from some software bug? Three independent user can't get mad the same time. Note: these objects cannot be queried. I've browsed the mirrored DB file. Gabor *rt: *de: TAT GmbH Systeme der grafische Datenverarbeit *or: AS2856 *mb: BTNET-MNT *ch: Paul.Dyke@bt.net 970916 *so: RIPE *rt: *de: upstream provider: Swisscom (formerly Unisource Business Networks) *or: AS3303 *mb: CH-UNISOURCE-MNT *ch: bridge@unisource.ch 971017 *so: RIPE *rt: *de: upstream provider: Swisscom (formerly Unisource Business Networks) *or: AS3303 *mb: CH-UNISOURCE-MNT *ch: bridge@unisource.ch 971017 *so: RIPE *rt: *de: HU-CEU *or: AS2012 *mb: AS2012-MNT *ch: gaga@elte.hu 971027 *so: RIPE