Hello, Just one thing I'd like to point out : MUL_IDENTICAL seem to be based only on the person: field.... This seems to be fairly easy, but quite easy to be inaccurate... Could it be possible to think of something more precise that could help avoiding 'false' alarms ? Regards, Paul Dans son message (In his/her message), RIPE Database Manager ecrivait (wrote) :
Dear list members,
This is biweekly report on inconsistent objects in the RIPE whois database. The first 100 maintainers are listed as a table below sorted according to number of their inconsistent objects in the database. The rest of the maintainers which have inconsistent objects can be found at
You can find further information about the Consistency Project at
Fin du message inclus (end of included message). Paul Rolland, rol@oleane.net France Telecom Oleane/Direction Technique/Directeur France Telecom Oleane/Technical Direction/Director -- Please no MIME, I don't read it - Pas de MIME, je ne le lis pas Please no HTML, I'm not a navigator - Pas d'HTML, je ne suis pas un navigateur "I hope some day you'll join us, and the world would be as one" - J. Lennon