Hi David, I use perl4 (GNU FSFperl package) on Solaris 2.4 and I have changed all the SOCK_STREAM's, but what's about the flock() function?? This function is available only on SunOS and BSD-style machines. At this moment, I am trying to emulate this function whith calls to fcntl(). Also, I have try to compile Perl4 whit /usr/ucblib/libucb but this an impossible task. I have read in the Perl4 FAQ's that it is better to forget about BSDism's like that :-(. If anyone know more about this matter, I will be happy to hear him. Regards, Jose Sanchez-Seco. On Oct 12, 18:12, RIPE Database Manager wrote:
Subject: Re: db under solaris
Hi Tony,
If you use perl4 and change the SOCK_STREAM variable to 2 instead of 1 it should work. This value is used and hardcoded more then once in the code. In the next distribution this will be handled from the Makefile but that doesn't help you now ...
Kind regards,
David Kessens RIPE NCC Database maintainer --------
tonyb <tonyb@pipex.net> writes: * Hi, has anyone managed to tweak the perl whois server to run under * Solaris ? Is it an easy fix ? * * Thanks * * * ____ * / \/ * /<>/\// * Tony Barber Phone : +44(0)1223 250122 * Technical Support Email : support@pipex.net * * * -- End of excerpt from RIPE Database Manager
-- __________________________ __ ________________________________________ /_/ Jose Sanchez-Seco __ __ Email: jose.sanchez@rediris.es RedIRIS/CSIC /_/ RedIRIS /_/ Tel: + 34 1 5854970 Serrano 142 __ Fax: + 34 1 5855146 E-28006 Madrid /_/ Centro de Gestion de RED de REDIRIS _____________ Spanish Academic & Research Network ___________________________