Hello, On 06/13/2018 01:39 PM, Sascha Luck [ml] via db-wg wrote:
There was a time when it would have been seen as the obligation of any RIR to keep the internet running as smoothly as possible.
sometimes things needs to be really breaked to get fixed them. People are lazy, they're ignoring all notifications to fix "legacy" things, refusing changes, when things "currently" somewhat works for them.
IMO such actions should be delayed until there is a mechanism for every resource holder to register their advertisements properly, no matter where they are. Presumably this is something the RIRs themselves could be pushing as they are coordinating among themselves and with ICANN anyway.
There's no reason for again delaying things from my perspective. It's problem on advertising (and relevant RIR) side, and there is easy option to fix root cause of their problem. Solution exists. With regards, Daniel