denis walker wrote:
If this was the main reason for "geofeed:" it would not be covered by the current purposes. This is a single operator using the RIPE Database to make an announcement or a statement about some aspect of their resources to anyone. It is not 'coordination between network operators', even though the announced information could be used by other operators as well as anyone else. If you look back at the early docs on the registry, geolocation data is not part of the registration data. So none of the current purposes would cover this aspect. It does seem to be a perfectly reasonable use of the RIPE Database for resource holders to provide information about the resources to a wide variety of people, not only other operators. This is why, as I keep saying, we need to have a wider discussion about how people use the database today and review the old defined purposes. I know the purposes of the RIPE Database are the 'elephant in the room'...
FWIW adding a purpose for the RIPE DB of "allowing the resource holders a place to make available to the public information related to those resources" seems perfectly reasonable to me. Best regards -- INCIBE-CERT - Spanish National CSIRT https://www.incibe-cert.es/ PGP keys: https://www.incibe-cert.es/en/what-is-incibe-cert/pgp-public-keys ==================================================================== INCIBE-CERT is the Spanish National CSIRT designated for citizens, private law entities, other entities not included in the subjective scope of application of the "Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público", as well as digital service providers, operators of essential services and critical operators under the terms of the "Real Decreto-ley 12/2018, de 7 de septiembre, de seguridad de las redes y sistemas de información" that transposes the Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union. ==================================================================== In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (Regulation EU 2016/679, of 27 April 2016) we inform you that your personal and corporate data (as well as those included in attached documents); and e-mail address, may be included in our records for the purpose derived from legal, contractual or pre-contractual obligations or in order to respond to your queries. You may exercise your rights of access, correction, cancellation, portability, limitationof processing and opposition under the terms established by current legislation and free of charge by sending an e-mail to dpd@incibe.es. The Data Controller is S.M.E. Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de España, M.P., S.A. More information is available on our website: https://www.incibe.es/proteccion-datos-personales and https://www.incibe.es/registro-actividad. ====================================================================