I feel this is more appropriate to be discussed on the db-wg. Mirjam Kuehne RIPE NCC ------- Forwarded Message Date: 26 Nov 1998 17:21:38 -0000 Received: (qmail 23377 invoked by uid 0); 26 Nov 1998 17:21:35 -0000 Received: from ncc.ripe.net ( by postman.ripe.net with SMTP; 26 Nov 1998 17:21:35 -0000 Received: from postman.ripe.net by ncc.ripe.net with SMTP id AA27381 (5.65a/RIPE-NCC); Thu, 26 Nov 1998 18:21:34 +0100 Received: (qmail 23374 invoked by uid 0); 26 Nov 1998 17:21:30 -0000 Received: from biff.ibm.net.il ( by postman.ripe.net with SMTP; 26 Nov 1998 17:21:30 -0000 Received: from docking.interall.co.il (dial1.tlv.ibm.net.il []) by biff.ibm.net.il (8.8.8/8.8.2) with SMTP id TAA31544 for <local-ir@ripe.net>; Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:21:26 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Sender: hank@max.ibm.net.il X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (32) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:21:13 +0200 To: <local-ir@ripe.net> From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@ibm.net.il> Subject: Ripe change to whois I may have missed it, but a serious *bad* change has occured to the whois interface. Previously, if I did a check on abcdef.co.il and abcdef did not exist, whois would return an error message. Now, whois returns the domain and role records for the next upper level domain - i.e. co.il or .il. Other examples: zzzz.ac.uk, zzzz.ac.at. How did I find out about this? I received 3 phone calls already in the past 24 hours from users in Israel stating that I personally am registered as owner of hundreds of domains. They state that being on the board of the ISOC-IL which oversees the registration, I have violated the rules (limit of 10 domains per person - other countries have similar restrictions). I have tried explaining to them that I am not the owner of these domains. If it was 1 user, I would assume they didn't read the entry correctly. But the fact that 3 totally different people have called me to ask whether I would sell certain domain names to them, I can only conclude that the RIPE change is not that successful. People have been used to getting an error message from RIPE, similar to the "No match" one gets from Internic. When they now get a valid response, they don't bother to check that the response is not for the domain they requested. There is no error message or error code. This needs to be rectified (and changes discussed in the future - ignore if it has been mentioned). - -Hank Nussbacher ISOC-IL board member ------- End of Forwarded Message